Understanding the Blue Cookies Strain and Its Variants

blue cookies strain

So what happens when you add blueberry to a cookie? By all accounts, a blueberry-flavored biscuit must be a real treat. Blue Cookies is a cross of Blueberry and Girl Scout Cookies that features a high THC content of more than 28%, making it one of the strongest strains in the market.  But don’t just […]

Everything You Need To Know About Marijuana Seedlings

marijuana seedlings

A good start is always the key to a good finish, so a solid understanding of the ins and outs of marijuana seedlings can make the difference between success and frustration. Cannabis seedlings are extremely fragile. Armed with nothing but tender roots and a small set of cotyledons, your seedlings can be brought down by […]

A Review of the Best Marijuana Growing Books

marijuana book

Many people assume that growing cannabis is easy, especially considering how much information is available on the internet. However, growing cannabis at home can be tricky. There are hundreds of strains to choose from, and once you’ve made your selection, you still have make a myriad of decisions, such as whether to grow indoors or […]